PIX is a server to server only payment method to increase conversion.
Payment Types | Meaning | Success return codes |
PA | Successful generation of the PIX QR-Code. The shopper can go and pay for it online or at any supported POS | 000.000.000 000.100.112 (on staging) |
RC | Successful payment of PIX. The payment of the PIX is asynchronous and the payment confirmation depends on when the PIX was paid by the consumer | 000.000.000 |
Initial Request
Successful Response
Re-directing the shopper
From the success response you will be able to extract the URL to where you re-direct the shopper to in order to display the PIX QR-code itself. Please note that the staging environment of the bank may show an error from time to time instead of the actual PIX.
Retrieve notifications when the PIX is paid
Please refer to section webhooks
Field specifications
Name | Description | Format | Example |
Authorization Bearer (Header) | Authentication token used to identify the merchant. | AN [a-zA-Z0- 9_] | Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTg0ZTczNjAxMjAxNGU3OGExN2E2YTE1YjB8ZjJGRUtacXRCUA== |
amount | Amount of the payment request. The dot is used as a decimal separator. | N13[0- 9]{1,10}\.[0 -9]{2} | 1.00 |
currency | Currency Code according to ISO 4217 specifications of the payment request’s amount | A3 [a-zA-Z]{3} | BRL |
paymentBrand | The brand specifies the method for the request | AN32 [a-zA-Z0- 9_] {1,32} | PIX |
paymentType | The payment type for the request | A2 | PA |
entityId | The entity for the request. (e.g. channel) | AN32 [a-zA-Z0- 9]{32} | 8a8294174ae82ada014 aedfd75aa1d79 |
customer.identificationDocId | CPF number of customer or CNPJ of the company | N11 or N14 | 50439917476 or 50966454000190 |
merchantTransactionID | Merchant-provided reference number | AN255 [\s\S]{1,25 5} | 1234 |
customParameters[CUSTOM_due_time] | Optional. Due Time of the Pix in Seconds. Will overwrite customParameters[CUSTOM_due_date] if both are sent. | N10 | 7200 |
customParameters[CUSTOM_due_date] | Optional. Due Date of PIX. Will be set to the date you sent at 23:59:59 UTC | DDMMYYYY {19|20}([0-9]{2})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1]) | 21012022 |
Last updated