One-Click Checkout

This guide allows you to achieve a significant speedup of the checkout process by re-using the data a customer entered for a previous transaction/registration. It's based on one of these two guides:

After the customer account details are stored, as part of the initial transaction/registration, you will need to keep a record of the associated registration IDs (token) that you can then use in step 1 below.

How it works

1. Prepare the checkout

NOTE: For demonstration purposes we have created a registration, which will be used in your one-click checkout, with id(s): 8ac7a4a0739e4f720173a048387d7a7c,8ac7a49f739e470f0173a048391e1c24. Following the guides above, you may add additional registrations options to the checkout.

First perform a server-to-server POST request to prepare the checkout, this should include the registration IDs of the customer as shown below.

The registration IDs should be sent in the registrations[n].id parameter, where n is a sequence number from zero, incrementing for each of the customer's registration IDs. For example, if the customer has two accounts on file, you would send registrations[0].id = {first} and registrations[1].id = {second}.

curl \
 -d "entityId=8a8294184e736012014e78a17a5615ac" \
 -d "amount=92.00" \
 -d "currency=EUR" \
 -d "paymentType=DB" \
 -d "registrations[0].id=8ac7a4a0739e4f720173a048387d7a7c" \
 -d "registrations[1].id=8ac7a49f739e470f0173a048391e1c24" \
 -d "createRegistration=true" \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTg0ZTczNjAxMjAxNGU3OGExN2E2YTE1YjB8ZjJGRUtacXRCUA=="


    "description":"successfully created checkout"
  "buildNumber":"982467e36fd8bc9e74f536ba375c5d0be4fe48eb@2020-07-30 03:42:32 +0000",
  "timestamp":"2020-07-30 15:23:37+0000",

2. Create the payment form

Then, to show the payment form you just need to add the following lines of HTML/Javascript to your page and populating the following variables

  • The checkout's id that you got in the response from step 1

    <script src="{checkoutId}"></script>
  • The shopperResultUrl, which is the page on your site where the customer should be redirected to after the payment is processed and the brands that will be available.

    <form action="{shopperResultUrl}" class="paymentWidgets">VISA MASTER AMEX</form>

When Primeiro Pay builds up the payment form it automatically fetches the registrations data from the server and displays the pre-filled widgets to the shopper.

Require CVVShow initial payment from

  • html

<form action="" class="paymentWidgets">VISA MASTER AMEX</form>
  • css

body {background-color:#f6f6f5;}
  • js

var wpwlOptions = { registrations: { requireCvv: false, hideInitialPaymentForms: true } }
  • result

3. Get the payment status

As usual, once the payment has been processed, the customer is redirected to your shopperResultUrl along with a GET parameter resourcePath.

IMPORTANT: The baseUrl must end in a "/", e.g. "".

Then, to get the status of the payment, you should make a GET request to the baseUrl + resourcePath, including your authentication parameters.

Example for a resourcePath:


curl -G{id}/payment \
 -d "entityId=8a8294184e736012014e78a17a5615ac" \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTg0ZTczNjAxMjAxNGU3OGExN2E2YTE1YjB8ZjJGRUtacXRCUA=="

We recommend that you verify the following fields from the Payment Status response, by comparing the returned values with expected:

  • ID(s)

  • Amount

  • Currency

  • Brand

  • Type

Last updated