Tokenization & Registration

NOTE: You should be fully PCI compliant if you wish to perform tokenization requests server-to-server (as it requires that you collect the card data). If you are not fully PCI compliant, you can use the PrimeiroPay tokenization tutorial to collect the payment data securely.

Tokenization allows you to store the payment data for later use. This can be useful for recurring and/or one-click payment scenarios.

This guide describes how you can store the data using our Server-to-Server API, how you can subsequently use the stored card details for a one-click payment and how to delete stored data.

Storing the payment data

There are two methods for creating a token

Store the data during a payment

A payment's data can be stored at the same time as the payment by sending the createRegistration parameter with a value of true. This is done by sending a POST request to the /payments endpoint.

Try it out in the interactive editor below and you will find that you get the additional response parameter registrationId. This parameter allows you to access the stored payment data during subsequent operations (see use cases below) \

 -d "entityId=8a8294184e736012014e78a17a5615ac" \
 -d "amount=92.00" \
 -d "currency=EUR" \
 -d "paymentBrand=VISA" \
 -d "paymentType=DB" \
 -d "card.number=4200000000000000" \
 -d "card.holder=Jane Jones" \
 -d "card.expiryMonth=05" \
 -d "card.expiryYear=2034" \
 -d "card.cvv=123" \
 -d "createRegistration=true" \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTg0ZTczNjAxMjAxNGU3OGExN2E2YTE1YjB8ZjJGRUtacXRCUA=="

Store the data as stand-alone

A registration can also be made by calling the /registrations endpoint as a stand-alone request (i.e. without requesting a payment).

Contrary to the registration as part of a payment, you directly receive a registration object in your response. Therefore the ID to reference this data during later payments is the value of field id

curl \
 -d "entityId=8a8294184e736012014e78a17a5615ac" \
 -d "paymentBrand=VISA" \
 -d "card.number=4200000000000000" \
 -d "card.holder=Jane Jones" \
 -d "card.expiryMonth=05" \
 -d "card.expiryYear=2034" \
 -d "card.cvv=123" \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTg0ZTczNjAxMjAxNGU3OGExN2E2YTE1YjB8ZjJGRUtacXRCUA=="

Try it Out

  • Using the stored payment data

    Use Case 1: Recurring Payments

    Based on the stored account details recurring payments become very simple to achieve.

    All you need to do is to add the parameter recurringType to your requests:

    • For the initial payment request you should send the recurringType with value INITIAL.

    • For any subsequent payment you should send the recurringType with value REPEATED.

    The Recurring Payment tutorial explains this scenario in more detail.

  • Use Case 2: One-Click Payments

    After storing a customer's account details, it is possible to offer a 'one-click payment' checkout, to simplify subsequent purchases.

    Basically you're using the token you've received in the original payment's response in the field registrationId/id to reference and even prefill a customer's payment form.

    The One-click Payment tutorial explains this scenario in more detail.

Deleting the stored payment data

Once stored, a token can be deleted using the HTTP DELETE method against the
curl -X DELETE "{id}\
?entityId=8a8294184e736012014e78a17a5615ac" \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer OGE4Mjk0MTg0ZTczNjAxMjAxNGU3OGExN2E2YTE1YjB8ZjJGRUtacXRCUA=="

Last updated

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