Dispute notifications via webhooks

PrimeiroPay sends dispute information via webhooks to inform the merchant about the current status of the dispute.

The merchant shall inform a listener HTTPS URL to its account manager in order to set up this feature.

When your service receives a webhook notification, it must return a 200 HTTP status code. Otherwise, the webhook service considers the notification delivery as failed. PrimeiroPay currently does not retry failed webhooks.


  "disputeEndDateTime":"2019-10-09 21:00:00.000",
  "notificationDateTime":"2019-10-02 11:00:00.000",
  "disputeReason":"Transaction Not Recognized By Cardholder",


Whenever the “status” changes a webhook is being sent to the listener URL. A dispute notification can have the following status: OPEN WIN LOSE The merchant receives therefor maximum three notifications for a single transaction. PrimeiroPay currently does not retry failed webhooks.

Last updated